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I love hunting out translation “howlers” – they make me laugh, while making me feel useful. If you think machine translations will soon put translators out of a job… read on!

The tourist industry is a great source of mirth…Here is a great example found by Liz Foster.  Thank you, Liz, for sharing this gem! I have hidden the name of the town to protect the reputation of this wonderful castle, but no changes have been made to the “translation”.

“The tourist became zappor. It is necessary to astonish, distract it and propose the richness of activities .Ludique one to him if possible.
From one of France’s major tourist attractions: (Thanks to Heather Costil for discovering this website)

“The Bay is to discover there without restraint and the leisures are numerous (TO foot, on horseback, to bicycle, in U.L.M., by small train, by chariot to veil, etc.).
The feasts and the numerous local animations, all these activities form the set of the festivities proposed during your stay.
In accordance with the horizontal landscape, a bridge bridge will cross Couesnon and strikes. Simple, imperceptible line in distant vision, the bridge-bridge will be carried by a succession of fine piles and will drive to a central reservation and to the Mountain…
Leaving their cars with the parking, in the peace and the serenity found, the guests will reach the work, through herbus, by the dike-road remodelled on a kilometre. They will go on foot or in shuttle.
Of the road in the bridge-bridge, the passage will be made imperceptibly, without break… The pedestrians will walk on each side of a central way reserved for shuttles, unpacked by some centimeters.
A floor of oak – similar to that of piers will mark the pedestrian spaces. He will intoxicate in the course of time and bad weather such wood in sea…”

The museums, he likes; but not more than two hours sharp.

Contribution of the Town of xxxxxxxxxx goes beyond that. At the exit of the grids of the castle, the full head of pictures, the visitor “who does not go up back in the Coach” needs to today insert them in the today ‘s world. It wants to find in the everyday life of xxxxxxxxxx ,” signs which decode its dreams “.”